Global Cloud Team – Your Outstaff R&D Team

Custom software development is one of the services Global Cloud Team specializes in. Save time and money with professional and experienced IT specialists. Global Cloud Team is Best at Custom Software Development


Every business strives to be unique. Each company at a particular stage of its development requires an IT solution that would be optimized as much as possible for its tasks and processes. Often the capabilities of existing products are insufficient, or the cost of their implementation and maintenance is too high. This is when a business would need to build an original system. We have built dozens of such systems.

Global Cloud Team has extensive experience in developing software solutions. We offer a full range of services in the field of custom software development. With us, customers can instantly get Research and Development resources when they need them. This allows them to save up to 40% of the R&D related costs. Our team of 280 technology professionals is ready to assist our customers in the following areas:

Secure digital technology transformation
Consulting, implementation, and data science services
Service platform development
User-level personalization and embedded analytics of user activities
Mobile development (iOS/Android)
Quality assurance
Other solution architecture for various markets
We tested our processes by building over one hundred custom systems for customers from around the world. Our experience enables us to foresee possible issues and production gaps, causing delays, errors, and change requests. Given the prospects for business growth, we can build our solutions flexible and scalable. 

When developing custom software, our specialists use the following technologies and platforms: HTML, CSS, LESS, ES6, WebPack, NodeJS, NPM, JQuery, UIKit, ReactJS, Mocha, React konva, Styled components, MySQL, SonarQube, Spring Framework, Java, Scrum, Maven, Rabbit MQ, JavaScript, SASS, Canvas, Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Redis, Next.js, Redux-Saga, Semantic UI React, GitHub, etc. 

With our expertise and experience, one can be sure there’s no project that is too complicated for us. Among the many projects we have completed, we want to note the following:

Enterprise Password Management Platform – Password keeper service with a high level of security with data encryption that supports thousands of multinational employees and over 3 million customers.
Exchange, CFD and Forex Trading Web and Mobile App – a universal trading platform with flexible interface, advanced functionality, signals, and automated advisors and trading server.
Proprietary Social Network for Investors – a multilingual transaction platform, blogger platform, and a community for investors.
Enterprise Back Office – a productive CRM that supports more than 3 million customers and over 100 billion USD in monthly transactions.
At the first stage, the customer will approve the team we brought together based on customer’s needs, and we will conduct analytics and agree on all the nuances so that the final product is precisely the way the client sees it. If the company needs a massive project to be completed with parts that do not overlap, we will give several teams. Global Cloud Team has 24/7 Customer Support Center, and customers will be able to stay in contact with their project manager throughout the project implementation.

Global Cloud Team always documents all the requirements, designs, and progress in Jira, Invision, CRM system. A reliable, predictable, and highly automated testing process will ensure that the final product will run smoothly and without any hiccups. We also offer support for most of our projects even after we turn it in for the whole life cycle of the product. Global Cloud Team is a team of professional software engineers that one can entrust any project.